Educational Theory

Regular and Virtual Symposia

We call our special sets “symposia” to emphasize the tone of conversation we try to create between the papers. From time to time we will also compile “virtual” symposia, drawing together papers published at different times in different issues to highlight related aspects of a question or problem.

Regular Symposia

Virtual Symposia

A Virtual Symposium on Educational Virtues

Rousseau's Emile, or On Education: A Special Joint Virtual Issue

A collection of 13 articles on Rousseau's Emile from Educational Theory, Educational Philosophy and Theory, and Journal of Philosophy of Education

Thematic Sets

“Thematic sets” are papers not commissioned together, and written separately, but which happen to come in at about the same time and which relate to a common theme or topic. We hope that by presenting them together we can create an added opportunity to build a conversation between different authors and points of view.